- fix rare long time wake-up issue
hotfix tutorial crash
hotfix black screen issue
hotfix black screen issue
hotfix black screen issue
- New S tier Submarines
- New maps for great battle
- Crew and equipment UI changed
- Ship resource downloading for small app size
- Hot fix for connection issue
fixed layout issue
- New S tier BB for SN
- New S tier CV for JP, SN, KM, RM
- Battle Pass
- Special discount for first purchase
- New buff item for Battle Pass reward
- Free resources in store
- New S tier BB Imperatritsa Mariya for SN
- New S tier CV Saipan for US, Unicorn for UK and SP-3 for France
- US BB Project1058, UK BB Beaty, JPN BB Atago, Owari, Ise(1943), KM BB York, SN BB Project69SE, MN BB Languedoc, RM BB Italia enhance AAW
- Inventory issue resolved
- New S tier BB for US, JP
- Research center and voucher available condition changed
hot fixes
- Voucher system
- New CV for Italy
- UI layout changed
- Buff items available for ship
- unblock selling package ships
- bug fix for daily quest
- book mark increased as 50
- new CV with middle bomber (S tier)
- new BB for UK (S tier)
- box drop in GB
- new CV in research center
- clan raid limit and rewards increased
- connection optimisation
- New shop with free items by ads
- New in-app items added
- New S-tier SS in research center
- simple-control changed for DD, CL, CA
- Online training becomes 30 seconds for waiting
- Large maps are removed in Online Expert
- In Conqueror league, delay is split for pillage and city attack
- In Conqueror league, 5 vs 5, 8 vs 8 battle is added
- Crash fixes
- New level policy
- New JP S tier BB added
- DP increased for dive bomber
- Fix ai ship behaviour
- ALT for sequential fire with BB and CA
- Royal Battle mode for beginners
- New BB for France
- Maximum speed for SS increase 1knot
- All S tier Submarines can Airstrikes underwater
- Minimum rotation speed for Turret increased
-fixed rare crash case
-fixed rare bug in tutorial
- changed buttons layout
- switch fast/distance torpedoes mode
- auto repair target option added
- UK repair ship added to research center
- fixed defects
- new behaviour for airplanes
- added new repair ship for US and IJN
- bug fix for voice effects
- minor bug fix
- New CA for SN, new BB for UK
- Added AI ships in Battle royal, added pirates Team
- Added ship class limit for expert and master league
- Change duration for conquest league
- Additional reward for city in conquest league
- New collections for ship research
- Go straight mode in maneuver
- New signal lamp messages
- Added rounds for Master League in War of Fleets
- Removed chat function in Battle Royal
- Added info about gold in upgrade button
- Purchase history limited for one week
- New US BB in research center
- Added Lag Chart indicator in option
- Online battle Expert available for high level players
- Fixed SS sonar defect
- Added refresh time for Daily quest
- Minor fixes
-removed "network optimisation" option
-critical fixes
-changed CDN
- Crash issue fixed
- simple control for beginners
- network optimization option
- bug fixing
- minor improvements
- balance
-added Fleet members last seen days
-fixed minor crashes
-fixed some UI
- Added options for Camera and Radar
- Critical fixes
- double touch action for ship move
- new ship's indicators
- auto aiming torpedo launchers
- changed beginner tutorial
final fix
- removed cost for nuke and airstrike
- changed blueprints amount for hull strength
- updated external social libraries
- added new battle message
- Content about duplicated blueprints for hull strength
- Team signal message for battle
- New A tier CA for Italy in research center
- Data change for torpedo and gun
- Cost added for nuke and airstrike in S tier ships
- New BB and CL in research center
- Limit for ship class in Conquest World
- A little bit stronger for AI ships in raid
- New premium package for beginners only
-fixed offline missions
-fixed auto rotate ship
-improved AI ships
- hot crash fix
- DD & CL function changed for mine
- Matchmaking logic is changed for battles
- Alarm for remaining time for CW in harbor
- Some data changed and bug fix
- Fleet icon bug fixed
- Replay menu list fixed
- Aircraft marks in replay fixed
- Changes in chat menu
- Changed profile menu (add buttons for private message and duel)
- fixed translation in Fleet channel
- fixed chat notifications
- new private message from player's Profile
- Critical map bug fix
- single player missions critical bug fix
- aircraft button fix
- Conquest World open for 1st stage
- Store renewal
- New ships in Store
- Minor improvements
- crash fixes
- changed chat colors
- fixed ship upgrades cheat
- disable fleet icons at Battle Royal
- New guns added
- Rollback aircraft carrier UI
- Low fuel indicator on plane
- Non-display player ID in Battle Royale
- New Fleet and Profile features and UI
- New S grade KM CV, S grade JP BB
- Manual drop function for torpedo bomber and dive bomber
- Air strike skill for S grade SS
- Add A grade new BB in research center
* RN HMS Anson
* IJN Kirishima
* RM Progetto UP38
- Hot fix for DNS connection problem
-changes in sonar for SS vs SS duels
-admin marks in chat
-ships class counter at battle UI
-minor fixes
-added Weather battle conditions (Sunny Cloudy Storm)
-changes at Sonar works
-changes at Radar works
-added chat Translate function
-fixed SS behaviour
-minor fixes
-sound crash fix for Android 8
- Add new BB S grade ships for each nation in research center
- minor fixes
1. One account policy adapted.
2. Resource transfer function added.
3. New A grade BB
- US BB Guam
- UK BB Repulse
- JP BB Ise(1943)
- GER BB Bismarck
- SN BB Project69
4. Cooltime for airstrike reduced (5 -> 4 minutes)
5. Torpedo distance for Simakaze B grade longer.
6. France and Italy have own harbor.
7. Gold ship can be sold.
1. Nuclear bomb for S grade Battleships
2. Add new S, A grade Battleships
3. Ship class distinguish function at shipyard
4. New online maps for Great Battle
5. fixes
1. Battle Royal: The maximum of 8 players can attack each other.
2. Add airstrike function for S grade aircraft carrier.
3. Add New S, A grade aircraft carrier in research center.
4. Add B grade destroyer, light cruiser, heavy cruiser in research center.
5. Change the engine speed down from 5% to 3% with armor.
- Add A grade CL, CA with repair function in ship research center
- Improve Harbor Assault
- Add return bonus
- Gun water poles display depending on gun size
- Gun inch affects armor
- Debris can be transfer by gold
- DD, CL, CA increase Steel reward in online battle
- Gun and torpedo button show remained shell number in battle
- new Submarines 120 Level
- new armor system
- repair ship to research center
- critical hit bonus for FCS
- torpedo boat enhance for HA
- Reduce Damage factor for repair crew decreased as half
- balance
- minor fixes
- Equipment reset system
- Radar changes
- Skill info added to HA menu
- Added 5 C grade CL ships to Research menu
- Dive bomber damage increased by 30%
- DivePad position for submarine changed
- fixes
- Harbor Assault reworked
- Battle UI changed
- New chat functions (Copy and Paste)
- 130Lv BB, 120Lv CV added
- Expert Online available until 70 captain level
- Display Harbor Assault participating ships in shipyard
- chat defect fixes
- critical fixes
-block debris / gold exchange
-added daily quests for debris
-set level limit for some blueprints
-fixed secondary device tutorial issue
-critical fixes
-new 200+ ships with Italy and France
-new research ship system
-one Fleet at account limit
-fix chat interface for Galaxy Note9
-critical fixes
-changes at chat and fleet members list
-ship breaking feature
-swipe for previous menu
-hedgehog minesweeper
-fixed graphics defect at some LG devices
-fixed screen layout for some devices